Quarterly Newsletter (January-March 2012)

Post date: Feb 18, 2012 2:28:52 AM

We live in desperate and troubled times! Do you remember what you were armed with as a First Degree Knight? What "weapon" were you issued? That's right, your Rosary Beads.

We must pray everyday and ask for the Mercy of Jesus by pleading through the intercession of Mary His Mother and ours. And what better way to do that than by reciting the prayers of the Most Holy Rosary.

Not one of you who will read this simple article is unaware of the evil that is so prevalent in our American society today. As of this writing, the USCCB has made it very clear that they will resist the mandate set forth by the current Administration regarding providing contraceptives to employees as part of "Health Care Coverage". We are all very aware of stories of the multitudes of martyrs that have gone before us. I am very afraid that we are on the precipice of witnessing a white (or bloodless) martyrdom of many in our Church.

And if that will not suffice, we may see the ugliness of a red martyrdom to follow as our beloved Church and our wonderful faith comes under further attack. All Catholics are being targeted by those who worship at the altar of secular humanism for speaking out. They want to silence us and control all methods of discourse and dissemination of information. Be aware and be ready that you too may be targeted for speaking out against the culture of death. By simply being a Knight, you may be labeled as "hateful", "bigoted" and "chauvinistic" because you do not support "women's health issues".

Likewise, our beloved Priests and Bishops will come under fire first. Remember to get to the flock, the evil one will first strike at the head of the flock, he will attack the shepherds of our faith first! We as Knights must be prepared to defend our Clergy and one another with prayer and with active engagement of criticism. We must become more vocal and more publicly active in defense of life and in defense of the Catholic Church. We also are called to stand together and not allow partisan politics to divide us from one another. This is another tactic of the evil one to divide and pit one another against his brother or sister.

I challenge each of you to set aside more time than ever each day or evening for prayer. Consider turning off the television, set aside the novels and take a break from other leisure activities now and into Lent and begin to pray fervently. We are called to be a "people set apart", so let us begin to set ourselves apart from the noisy secular world and it's materialism and turn to the Holy Scriptures, the Catechism and to the Rosary. Consider choosing literature that contains the works of the Church Fathers or of modern day Catholic authors and scholars. If you do enjoy movies, consider turning off secular Hollywood works and instead, choose to watch an edifying movie about the lives of the Saints or of the Holy Land.

I call you to prayer and to sacrifice and meditate now and through Lent and beyond. We will need to be strong for the coming times of testing and trials, please prepare and be ready. Fill your lamps with oil and trim your wicks, do not be caught unprepared.

God Love you,

SK Frank Finch

Grand Knight, Council 10963

Old St. Patrick's Parish