March 2011: Lent, turning off.

Post date: Mar 6, 2011 9:35:17 PM

I admit that I am a political "junkie" and that I have been watching too much television coverage of everything from the Wisconsin budget to Cairo riots to the newest events in Libya. Only the good Lord knows what the next crisis to befall humanity will be when you read this. How do I know that I have been watching too much television? Well, because at times I can hear the same rhetoric that can be heard on television coming from my own lips and I am ashamed.

Thanks be to God, and His Holy Church for Lent. Because my mind and soul is cluttered with last year's chaff and it is definitely time to sweep the threshing floor and clean up. Granted, the more astute theologians among us will be quick to remind me that every day of our lives should be a Lenten exercise in spiritual growth and improvement. But in her kindness, Mother Church as directed by the Holy Spirit knows that we are not all theologians and we are certainly ever in need of renewal. And still, we observe Lent because while some may dread this penitential time on the Liturgical calendar, it is assuredly the most grace filled time of the year. But, to be open to this grace, among other things we need to cooperate.

A very dear friend of mine, a Franciscan Priest named Father Howard Stunek once told me that God is a gentleman, he will not force Himself upon you, you must cooperate and desire to meet Him. For most of us, this requires the removal of all distractions so that we can quiet ourselves and listen to His voice.

One of my chief distractions is as I mentioned, world strive and political theater. I am at times so frustrated and worried about what will happen next, that I fall to inclinations of sinful behavior. And so, I need Lent and I desperately want Lent. I need a structured model to follow and I also desperately need the grace and mercy that will flow from our Lord as He has promised.

On Sunday, February 27th, Father Gerald taught us about the futility of worrying. He admitted that he comes from a long line of worriers. After hearing his homily, I realized that we must be related! And so, yes I admit that I am "borrowing" from Father's homily for this months article. Honestly, every article that I have written is "borrowed" or given to me so no credit can ever be mine to claim.

So in short, please pray for me. Pray that I learn to give up the desire to "control" every aspect of this life that I have been given. Pray for me that I will be given the grace to learn to trust God more and learn to depend on myself less. Because as Father so aptly has stated, to desire so much control in our lives is really a sign of our level of distrust in Jesus. And when we fail to trust in Jesus, we offend Him deeply. I desire to begin "turning off" those loud pundits from both sides of the political spectrum and watching less television not only during Lent, but afterward. I need to do more than simply "turn the channel", I am being moved to actually "turn it off" altogether.

Last Month, we welcomed three, "freshly minted" 1st Degree Knights join our Council and Order. Gary Sopoglia, Larry Carzon and Joel Rabideau went through the first scrutinies of Knighthood that deal with Charity on February 21st. Welcome Brother Knights! We look forward to welcoming Norman Vesprini to our Order during the next 1st Degree ceremony this Month (check the calendar). If you have not witnessed a 1st Degree in some time, make a point and perhaps a part of your Lenten journey to do so this Month. And even better, recruit and then sponsor a Catholic Gentleman to become a Knight and witness his 1st Degree ceremony.

In closing, I am proud to announce that the Knight of the Month for February 2011 is: Brother S.K. Kevin Galbraith and that our Family for the Month of February 2011 is the Cesar family. At last Month's meeting, Brother Phil Rutledge was the winner of the book from the Grand Knight's book of the Month Guild. The book selection was titled "Praying in the presence of our Lord, Prayers for Eucharistic Adoration", written by Father Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R.

I look forward to giving another book away this month at the General Meeting. I hope to see you there.

God Love You,

SK Frank Finch

Grand Knight

Council 10963

Old St. Patrick Parish

Whitmore Lake, MI