Tootsie Roll Drive

Post date: Feb 10, 2010 8:38:29 PM

Brother Knights and families:

We are approaching that time of year again when we are asked to stand tall for God's special children. Our Tootsie Roll drive for the mentally impaired will be conducted (officially) on Palm Sunday Weekend (March 26, 27 & 28).

I have modeled our drive after Jim Stephenson's efforts from previous years. We will be offering Tootsie Rolls and accepting donations from patrons of the same locations as last year. Also, we will attempt to garner support and donations from our friends, families and parishioners during a couple of fish fry events leading up to Palm Sunday weekend as well as after Masses during the Palm Sunday weekend.

Tootsie Roll fundraisers, pancake breakfasts and other works of charity are hallmarks of the Knights of Columbus. These are the opportunities that you and I have to minister to the public and broadcast the image of what it means to be a Catholic Gentleman and a Knight in this age of lost chivalry and immoral examples of "paper-strongmen".

I am going to challenge you to "man up" and step up. I am asking you for an initial commitment of two hours and only two hours. We have enough Knights on our membership roster for each member to only do this with men to spare. Perhaps we can consider how many hours Christ was under the blows of the scourging, the buffeting and spitting of those who hated Him. And finally, the long hard walk under the weight of the heavy, Blessed timbers of the tree that he was raised upon and that He died upon in agony. Make this a Lenten commitment ....... two hours.

I will stand with a hot coffee in my hand and perhaps accompanied by my four-legged friend Murphy for those too little, too frail and too misunderstood to stand for themselves. This is what Knights do.

Put on your armor and pick up your sword. If it's dusty .... clean it off. If dented, wear it proudly. Come join your Brothers. Especially those of you who I have never met before. We are missing out on your company and the mentally impaired are missing out on your chivalry.

Send me an email with when and where you can volunteer. See what spots are still available here first. Bring your wives and your children. Make it a family affair for those who need us most.

God Love you,

Frank Finch